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Guru: The Loadstar in Building Ramrajya


Updated: Nov 22, 2024

Guru: The Loadstar in Building Ramrajya
Guru: The Loadstar in Building Ramrajya

“Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheshwaraha

Guru Saakshat Param Brahma

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha”

“The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the guru is Mahesvara (Siva); the Guru is the self- revealing limitless Brahman. Salutations to that revered Guru...Guru is none other than Brahma- The creator, Vishnu- The sustainer and Shiva- The destroyer, since the Guru creates, sustains knowledge and destroys ignorance.”

The word Guru itself signifies as ‘Dispeller of Darkness’, the darkness of ignorance of true knowledge about the eventual goal of each human’s life in this material and the mortal realm. Guru is the ultimate facilitator who can create and sustain a ‘Ramrajya’ by destroying all the evils and thus he is the central pillar in building a great nation. From the Vedic period, the role of ‘Guru’ has been very momentous in shaping the characters of pupils, and the future of a nation. However, what exactly does ‘Ramrajya’ mean and doesn’t it sound very absurd and abstract in the present scenario? Moreover, what and how can a teacher facilitate students to be accomplished as the creators and trailblazers of a utopian (Ramrajya) country? These questions need only a contemplation of reflecting on our perspectives about the duties of both teacher and student. In this current situation, society is so avaricious that we have elapsed the actual meaning of life, and real relationships among peoples and thus we have added a new prefix of ‘In’ to us, the humans. It is high time for the whole world not only to work on true spiritual consciences but also to practice humanity where everyone is equal and justice triumphs irrespective of religion, race, gender, and colour. A guru (teacher) is always defined as a ‘friend, philosopher, and guide’ who can shape a person’s character. He is a friend to help in odd situations, a philosopher whose ideology influences and encourages us to be good and kind. Furthermore, a guide can guide you and show you the right path.

Here I must quote Swami Vivekananda’s slogan and message, “Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached” which means awakening and getting over one’s intellectual insights

by getting rid of his/her hypnotized state of mind. Yes, it is required to transform us, our society from immorality to morality and from inhumanity to humanity. Also, we need Gurus like Swamiji who can be the brightest lamp post in our life’s journey. Though he said it in the context of freedom for India, it can be interpreted and envisioned as a message to the society to get victory over all tribulations like social discrimination, racism, casteism, economic inequality, political bias, ecological imbalance, and moreover, inhumanity. A nation where everything is ideal in terms of living for others selflessly can be presented as ‘Ramrajya’. The concept of ‘Ramrajya’ was introduced by Gandhiji as an ideal state of his dreams where there must be ‘equality and non-violence’ as he writes, “Ramrajya of my dream ensures equal rights alike of prince and pauper.” This very concept portrays and mirrors the society, based on the rule of Lord Ram, in which ‘Humanity’ is the priority of life built upon characteristics like equality, justice, non-violence, spirituality, and ethical principles.

If we talk about the present scenario, all these aforesaid moralities are disappeared as falling stars that we repeatedly ask as wishes ‘kaass’ whenever we face issues like exploitation, manipulation, rape, brutality, murder and so on. All of us are discussing the problems, criticising the matters, and questioning one another but what can be done and how can be done; it’s still a dilemma. If we talk about Juvenile crimes in India, the number of crimes rose from 29,768 to 31,170 in 2021. As per the NCRB report, a total of 30,555 crimes were committed by minors in 2022. This shows the growth of inhumanity and the degradation of morality. Here the question arises how can it be stopped? And the most vital question that who can help us in this regard? “A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.” Always teacher is regarded as the great influencer of one’s life.

“Sometimes the only positive role model a student has in his life is his teacher. Be the light in the darkness.” Generally, it is said that children are like clay, we need to mold them. Who can mold them? There can be a list prepared like a mother, father, and teacher. I am saying this because at the age of 2 years, kids are going to kindergarten and at this age, they are very prone to emulation. Thus what they observe, they try to behave like that. Thus, a teacher can help a nation to be constructed with a positive aura. In this context, I refer teachers not only to teachers in schools but also mothers and fathers who are regarded as the first teachers of a child. So, if one’s childhood is shaped up with good character then it is easy to build a real human being. Likewise, children can be influenced by the spiritual integrities and moral dogmas of great persons only through mentors or teachers.

“The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes pocking you with a sharp stick called truth.”  

The practices like love and respect for all living beings, non-violence, truthfulness, honesty, and integrity which our ancient culture traces are all we need to refurbish and revamp ourselves. The society needs a teacher like Gautam Buddha to transform itself from ‘Chandashoka to Dharmashoka’. Even lord Ram and Krishna required Gurus for the betterment of society. Is it possible to be like Swami Vivekananda or Gautam Buddha? Because the need of the day is such to reincarnate a ‘Ramrajya’. And I think yes; if we follow the paths shown by these great spiritual mentors and practice all that they suggested, then one day will definitely come in the near future where there must be a socially-economically politically-ecologically sustainable human society. A society free from brutality and inhumanity; a society of equality- ‘Ramrajya’. Indeed, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

About the article
The article by Rashmita Panigrahi emphasises the profound role of a "Guru" or teacher as a creator, sustainer, and destroyer of ignorance. Highlighting the Vedic concept of "Ramrajya"—an ideal, just, and humane society—Rashmita argues that teachers are pivotal in instilling moral and spiritual values in students, shaping them to become compassionate, ethical citizens. Referencing figures like Swami Vivekananda and Gautam Buddha, the article calls for teachers who foster positive change and inspire a society based on equality, justice, and humanity.


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